Tomorrow’s Gaming NPCs Can Come to Life with Generative AI

Tomorrow’s Gaming NPCs Can Come to Life with Generative AI

The video game industry has long struggled to create NPCs with realistic behaviors and reactions that can truly immerse players in a game’s world. But the emergence of generative chatbots is rapidly changing this status quo. Gaming AI focuses on the illusion of intelligence, and the use of finite-state machines, decision and behavior trees, GOAPs, …

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Confirmed: Romantic Tension 15 Years in the Making Revealed in ‘iCarly’ Season 3 Poster

Confirmed: Romantic Tension 15 Years in the Making Revealed in ‘iCarly’ Season 3 Poster

iCarly Finally Confirms Creddie The highly-anticipated third season of Paramount+’s hit show iCarly did not disappoint fans with its latest episode entitled “iMake New Memories.” The episode confirms the long-awaited pairing of Carly Shay and Freddie Benson, also known as #Creddie. This new development has been the focus of the season’s marketing campaign and has …

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Potential Long Covid Risk Lowered by Taking Metformin Following Positive Test – Results of Clinical Trial

Potential Long Covid Risk Lowered by Taking Metformin Following Positive Test – Results of Clinical Trial

New research suggests that taking metformin, a medication commonly used to manage type 2 diabetes, soon after testing positive for COVID-19 may reduce the risk of developing long COVID by as much as 40% in overweight and obese individuals. The trial, involving 1,126 participants considered to be at higher risk of severe symptoms, found that …

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Mirage Display of Assassin’s Creed: Experience Classic Parkour, Enhanced Stealth, Fresh Enemies and More.

Mirage Display of Assassin’s Creed: Experience Classic Parkour, Enhanced Stealth, Fresh Enemies and More.

Recently, fans got their first glimpse of Assassin’s Creed Mirage during the PlayStation Showcase, and while the gameplay was well-received, some expressed concerns over the game’s visual presentation and whether it would truly be a throwback to the original AC Trilogy. However, Ubisoft recently released a new Assassin’s Creed Mirage developer video that may allay …

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The upcoming GPUs seem to be enormous in size.

The upcoming GPUs seem to be enormous in size.

MSI As graphics cards continue to become larger, manufacturers need to come up with new cooling solutions to keep temperatures under control. MSI has recently unveiled their latest coolers at Computex 2023, featuring innovative designs such as a bimetallic fin array, an integrated All-In-One (AIO) cooler, and a 3D vapor chamber. These designs have the …

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Research Indicates Taurine, a Vital Component in Energy Drinks, May Retard Aging and Prolong Lifespan

Research Indicates Taurine, a Vital Component in Energy Drinks, May Retard Aging and Prolong Lifespan

Taurine: The Elixir of Life? A naturally occurring nutrient found in many foods, taurine is a key ingredient in top-selling energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster. According to research published in Science, taurine could be the key to living a longer, healthier life, hinting at a potential “elixir of life” as scientists push to …

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Waxwork Records Announces Preorder Availability of Renfield Score

Waxwork Records Announces Preorder Availability of Renfield Score

Filed under: Movies, Universal, Waxwork Records | Tagged: Marco Beltrami, Renfield, Waxwork Records The eagerly awaited horror film Renfield is now available on Peacock, and fans of composer Marco Beltrami can now preorder the score from Waxwork Records, one of the leading music labels in the industry. Renfield has already gained a significant online following, …

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