US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

Chinese scientists are one step closer to a future large-scale quantum computer – after building the world’s largest quantum simulation machine based on the “trapped-ion” technique, praised by one academic journal reviewer as “a milestone to be recognised”. The breakthrough was achieved under the leadership of Duan Luming, a quantum physicist renowned for his pioneering …

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Accelerating Quantum Computing with Enhanced SDK

Accelerating Quantum Computing with Enhanced SDK

Insider Brief NVIDIA offered information on its latest update to its cuQuantum software development kit (SDK). The toolkit ntegrates more seamlessly with NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs, greatly enhancing the speed of quantum circuit simulations. cuQuantum is able to accelerate quantum circuit simulations using state vector and tensor network method. NVIDIA’s latest update to its cuQuantum …

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