The Neurobiology Of Changing Priorities In A Songbird

The Neurobiology Of Changing Priorities In A Songbird

When a thirsty and lonely male zebra finch changes his mind from getting a drink of water to prioritizing courtship, his dopamine-releasing brain cells reflect his new intensions © Copyright by GrrlScientist | hosted by Forbes | A pair of Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata), male on the left, in Sturt National Park, NSW, … …

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Curiosity-Driven Exploration Makes Things More Memorable

Curiosity-Driven Exploration Makes Things More Memorable

September is the start to a new academic year. For many students, this means a fresh start and perhaps a chance to acquire some new study habits. Maybe this is the year you will stop putting everything off until the night before the exam? Now, there is some new evidence to explain why last-minute high-pressure …

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