‘Amazing’ New Shapes from UK Hobbyist Stun Math World

‘Amazing’ New Shapes from UK Hobbyist Stun Math World

‘The specter’: one of the extraordinary new repeating shapes discovered by a British pensioner. David Smith, a retired print technician from the northern region of England, stumbled upon an unusual shape in November while pursuing his hobby of searching for interesting shapes. After sharing his discovery with the world in March, impressed fans adorned T-shirts, …

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Gaming and Entertainment: Summer Game Fest Unveils Release Dates for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Spider-Man 2 Along with Other Exciting Announcements

Gaming and Entertainment: Summer Game Fest Unveils Release Dates for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Spider-Man 2 Along with Other Exciting Announcements

UPDATE 3: The Summer Game Fest has come to a close, leaving a trail of exciting new releases in its wake. Amongst the most highly anticipated announcements was the release of a new trailer for Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The trailer provides insight into the second part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake …

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What does it mean that an Indian student has won Apple’s WWDC app-making challenge?

What does it mean that an Indian student has won Apple’s WWDC app-making challenge?

Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) includes a challenge to students worldwide to create an original app playground using the Swift coding language. This year, Apple extended the number of winners to 375, recognizing even more students for their skills. The winners represent over 30 countries and regions, covering topics such as healthcare, sports, entertainment, …

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The Hype around ‘The Flash’ Appears Unfounded as Marketing Campaign Relies on Fan Accounts.

The Hype around ‘The Flash’ Appears Unfounded as Marketing Campaign Relies on Fan Accounts.

via Warner Bros. In the world of Hollywood blockbusters, hype is a necessary element of marketing campaigns. However, it seems that The Flash has been overhyped beyond measure. Despite months of claims that Ezra Miller’s solo debut as the Scarlet Speedster would be one of the greatest comic book adaptations of all time, even coming …

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Poachers target Amazon’s massive air-breathing fish

Poachers target Amazon’s massive air-breathing fish

The Javari Valley boasts the second-largest protected Indigenous reserve in the country and is home to seven tribes, including the Kanamari. Only residents are authorized to hunt the pirarucu, a freshwater fish that is larger than a man, delicious, and coveted by poachers in the lawless regions of the Amazon jungle where Brazil, Peru, and …

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