A versatile single-photon-based quantum computing platform

A versatile single-photon-based quantum computing platform

Arute, F. et al. Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor. Nature 574, 505–510 (2019). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Zhu, Q. et al. Quantum computational advantage via 60-qubit 24-cycle random circuit sampling. Sci. Bull. 67, 240–245 (2022). Article  Google Scholar  Moses, S. A. et al. A race-track trapped-ion quantum processor. Phys. Rev. X …

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Penning micro-trap for quantum computing

Penning micro-trap for quantum computing

Trapped atomic ions are among the most advanced technologies for realizing quantum computation and quantum simulation, based on a combination of high-fidelity quantum gates1,2,3 and long coherence times7. These have been used to realize small-scale quantum algorithms and quantum error correction protocols. However, scaling the system size to support orders-of-magnitude more qubits8,9 seems highly challenging10,11,12,13. …

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Efficiency optimization in quantum computing: balancing thermodynamics and computational performance

Efficiency optimization in quantum computing: balancing thermodynamics and computational performance

Raymer, M. G. & Monroe, C. The us national quantum initiative. Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 020504. https://doi.org/10.1088/2058-9565/ab0441 (2019). Article  ADS  Google Scholar  McMahon, D. Quantum Computing Explained (Wiley, 2007). Book  Google Scholar  Nielsen, M. A. & Chuang, I. Quantum computation and quantum information. Phys. Todayhttps://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511976667 (2002). Article  Google Scholar  Sanders, B. C. How to Build …

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Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Quantum computing surpasses classical computing in both speed and memory usage. It opens a way to make predictions of physical phenomena which were previously impossible. Quantum computing is often seen as a paradigm shift from classical or conventional computing. Conventional computers use bits (0 or 1) to process information. On the other side, quantum computers …

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Quantum-computing approach uses single molecules as qubits for first time

Quantum-computing approach uses single molecules as qubits for first time

Quantum entanglement (illustration) is one of the effects that underpins quantum-computing technology.Credit: Peter Jurik/Alamy Physicists have taken the first step towards building quantum computers out of individual molecules trapped with laser devices called optical tweezers. Two teams report their results in Science on 7 December1,2, in both cases making pairs of calcium monofluoride molecules interact …

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