Home Our Pick 7 steps for a comprehensive social media content strategy

7 steps for a comprehensive social media content strategy

Social media strategy is becoming more and more important with regard to expanding a business, with platforms as varied as TikTok and LinkedIn all capable of playing a significant role in this prospective expansion. Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to incorporate this into your marketing strategy, not to mention cheaper too given that most social media platforms are free. Well, unless you want one of Elon’s blue ticks…

That said, social media strategy works a lot better if you’ve done the research. According to Forbes, investing in a solid social media strategy can genuinely pay dividends in the longer term. In this piece, we will be exploring 7 ways in which you can benefit from this kind of investment for your business.

1: Align your goals

It is possible that you’ve set some S.M.A.R.T goals for your business (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound), and it makes perfect sense to do the same with your social media strategy. Set targets that follow this criteria. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to aim anywhere without a specific target.

2: Get to know your target market

Nothing will be of importance unless you research your target audience and get to know exactly what they need or want that you can offer. With analytics tools, you can measure absolutely anything – location, age, job title, even general interests and several other metrics.

3: Use each platform wisely

It may also be worth researching which platforms are more prevalent for the relevant market you wish to target. Of course it’s difficult to generalise an entire social media platform, but you can at least find the relevant communities to include in your hashtags.

4: Analyse the competition

The great thing about social media analytics is that you can also see how your competitors are doing. What works for them could almost certainly work for your business too. Also, there’s no need to feel guilty about this – they’ll be doing the same when you find some success!

5: Tag other companies and figures

If someone in your field inspires you, tag them in a post – they’ll appreciate the ego boost. The worst that can happen is that they won’t see it. And if they don’t see it, you can just try again later down the line.

6: Schedule your posts and tweets

Work out when is best to post for your target audience and play into that with scheduling. Of course some aspects of the schedule may be subject to change, so always keep your eye on the ball. There may be a piece of news that changes how your post may be received at the time of posting. On the whole, however, scheduling can save you a lot of time in the long run, particularly if you draft several posts at once.

7: Be inspired

Your brand is one of a kind, but that shouldn’t mean it’s a closed shop to any inspiration from other companies. Whether your aims are modest, ambitious, or somewhere in between the two, taking inspiration from another company could give your company that viral moment that allows for huge growth.  

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