Using Lasers to Magnetize Non-Magnetic Substances May Transform Modern Computers

Using Lasers to Magnetize Non-Magnetic Substances May Transform Modern Computers

Quantum computing possesses huge potential. It could completely transform industries and change the way we understand the universe. By combining the principles of quantum mechanics with computer science, quantum computing allows for complex problems to be solved with ease by processing huge amounts of data in parallel to exploring multiple solutions.  This way, quantum computers …

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Universal scaling between wave speed and size enables nanoscale high-performance reservoir computing based on propagating spin-waves

Universal scaling between wave speed and size enables nanoscale high-performance reservoir computing based on propagating spin-waves

Physical system of a magnetic device We consider a magnetic device of a thin rectangular system with cylindrical injectors (see Fig. 1c). The size of the device is L × L × D. Under the uniform external magnetic field, the magnetization is along the z direction. Electric current translated from time series data is injected at the Np injectors …

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