Research Suggests an Animal-Centered Internet May Soon be a Reality – One Green Planet

Research Suggests an Animal-Centered Internet May Soon be a Reality – One Green Planet

Help keep One Green Planet free and independent! Together we can ensure our platform remains a hub for empowering ideas committed to fighting for a sustainable, healthy, and compassionate world. Please support us in keeping our mission strong. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have revealed the potential for an “animal-centered internet,” offering a platform …

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Tigers are Being Saved with NASA Space Tech and Google Earth Engine Computing Power!

Tigers are Being Saved with NASA Space Tech and Google Earth Engine Computing Power!

Scientists are harnessing the power of space technology and advanced computing to monitor and protect tiger habitats worldwide. The collaborative effort between NASA, Google Earth Engine, and Conservation organizations has resulted in the development of TCL 3.0, a cutting-edge platform that promises real-time insights into the status of tiger habitats across the globe. Tigers face …

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