Home Internet Internet in Stitches at Cat Giving Neither Love nor Personal Space to Owner

Internet in Stitches at Cat Giving Neither Love nor Personal Space to Owner

Cats very much like to do things on their terms without thinking about how it might affect their humans. If they want attention, you better give it to them right that second. And if they want nothing to do with you, leave them alone or you’ll reap the consequences.

At least every cat owner knows this is what is like living with felines. And now, thanks to a November 25 TikTok video posted by user @misss_men, every owner can breathe knowing it is not just their cat that marches to the beat of their own drum.

The clip, which brought in over 346,000 views and 48,900 likes, showed the owner lying down with the cat right on top of her chest—a pucker away. The owner tried to go in for a sweet, loving kiss, but in typical cat fashion, the feline moved away.

The text on the video reads: “Only a cat can give no love and no personal space at the same time.”

Any loving cat owner would’ve tried to go in for the kiss. The cat decided to sleep on top of their human, which to anyone would like an invitation to get affection. But, clearly, not for the cat.

Cats don’t mind sharing their personal space. This could mean sleeping on their owner or sitting nearby.

If only cats could accept the love their family wants to give them, then the whole household could live in harmony.

TikTok users were flocking to the comment section, sharing similar experiences with their cats and cracking up that almost all cats are the same.

“My black cat literally will stiff-arm my face as I go in for kisses,” commented a viewer. Those kisses need to come quickly and unexpectedly to fend off any paw swatting.

Another wrote: “That’s when you grab their little head and SMOOCH em.” It’s impossible not to smooch them given how stinking adorable they look.

And, as it turns out, the more exposed a cat is to cuddling and kissing as a kitten, the more likely they are to tolerate it when they’re older. And if a cat does not enjoy getting kisses, petting and cuddling should be enough to let them know you love them.

Newsweek reached out via TikTok for more information.

A stock image of a cat sleeping. A cat owner showed TikTok users that all felines are the same that they want no love and no personal space at the same time.
Andrey Zhuravlev/Getty Images

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