In 2023, only 36% of EU internet users read privacy policy statements before providing personal data.
More than half (54%) of the internet users refused to allow the use of personal data for advertising, and just over half (51%) restricted or refused access to their geographical location. In addition, 41% limited access to their profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage.
When it came to the protection of the personal data they shared, only 35% checked that the website where they provided their personal data was secure.
When considering all these methods of controlling the use of personal data, nearly three quarters (73%) of EU internet users managed the access to their personal data online in some way in 2023.
Source dataset: isoc_cisci_prv20
The share of internet users who managed access to their personal data in 2023 varied across the EU countries. The highest shares were observed in Finland and the Netherlands (both 93%), followed by Czechia (89%).
In contrast, the lowest shares were recorded in Romania (52%), Latvia (55%) and Slovenia (57%).
Source dataset: isoc_cisci_prv20
This news item marks the Data Protection Day celebrated on 28 January.
Tyler Fields is your internet guru, delving into the latest trends, developments, and issues shaping the online world. With a focus on internet culture, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies, Tyler keeps readers informed about the dynamic landscape of the internet and its impact on our digital lives.