The Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided the promoters of a Kolkata-based mobile gaming app company on Saturday. According to the government agency, the officials have recovered cash over Rs. 7 crore during the raid, which was a part of a money-laundering investigation. The gaming app titled E-Nuggets and its promoter, identified as Aamir Khan and others, were investigated by the ED after an FIR was filed against the company, according to a report. The ED revealed about the latest raid through a tweet.
The federal agency announced seizing over Rs. 7 crore in cash in a raid at half-a-dozen locations of the gaming app E-Nuggets and its promoters. According to the statement provided by the officials on the tweet, “ED has been carrying out search operations under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 (on 10.09.2022) at 6 premises in Kolkata, in respect to an investigation relating to the Mobile Gaming Application.”
“ED has been carrying out search operations under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 (on 10.09.2022) at 06 premises in Kolkata, in respect to an investigation relating to the Mobile Gaming Application. Huge cash (More than Rs 7 Crore) has been found at the premises.”
— ED (@dir_ed) September 10, 2022
According to an ANI tweet, a picture revealed by the federal agency after the raid displayed seized Rs. 500, Rs. 2,000 and Rs. 200 currency notes stacked together.
In search operations today, under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, at 6 premises in Kolkata in connection with an investigation relating to Mobile Gaming Application, Rs 7 Crores cash found so far, counting of the amount is still in progress.
— ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2022
The ED mentioned that the money laundering case was investigated in relation to an FIR filed in February last year at the Park Street Police Station, as per the report.
The federal agency reportedly claims that the mobile gaming application E-Nuggets was launched with a motive to defraud the public. After gaining trust from their customers, who started investigating greater commissions on the app, the promoters stopped the feature to withdraw the money under several pretexts such as system upgradation or investigation by law enforcement agencies.
The app allegedly deleted all the data of the users later.
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Eugen Boglaru is an AI aficionado covering the fascinating and rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence. From machine learning breakthroughs to ethical considerations, Eugen provides readers with a deep dive into the world of AI, demystifying complex concepts and exploring the transformative impact of intelligent technologies.