Sky clampdown could force you to pay more to watch and stream TV

Sky clampdown could force you to pay more to watch and stream TV

Netflix still rules the living room and for years we’ve got used to sharing our password with family and friends so they can tune in without paying for an account of their own. Despite this, Netflix has still grown into a hugely successful business with ever-growing subscription numbers, but recently the company decided to crackdown …

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Leaked password data shows the most common words you should avoid

Leaked password data shows the most common words you should avoid

New research has uncovered some of the most common words, names, numbers, places, and sports teams used in online passwords, prompting calls for people to change passwords if they include easy to guess information. According to data released by, the most used name in passwords is ‘Michael’, swiftly followed by ‘Daniel’, ‘Ashley’, ‘Jessica’, and …

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