US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

Chinese scientists are one step closer to a future large-scale quantum computer – after building the world’s largest quantum simulation machine based on the “trapped-ion” technique, praised by one academic journal reviewer as “a milestone to be recognised”. The breakthrough was achieved under the leadership of Duan Luming, a quantum physicist renowned for his pioneering …

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China raises stakes in SpaceX internet rivalry, claims higher orbit for first SkyNet satellite

China raises stakes in SpaceX internet rivalry, claims higher orbit for first SkyNet satellite

According to CASC, the satellite will be joined by seven more satellites in an initial formation of the SkyNet constellation, with the potential for expansion to 16 or 32 satellites. The satellite constellation bears the same name as China’s video surveillance network of public spaces – the largest of its kind on Earth, with more …

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China’s 4 new ‘AI tigers’ – Baichuan, Zhipu AI, Moonshot AI and MiniMax – emerge as investor favourites

China’s 4 new ‘AI tigers’ – Baichuan, Zhipu AI, Moonshot AI and MiniMax – emerge as investor favourites

A group of artificial intelligence (AI) start-ups are emerging as China’s best hopes for reaching the frontier of ChatGPT-like technology, as they draw increasing attention from users and investors. Among them, Baichuan is the latest to complete a new round of fundraising. While the start-up told the Post on Thursday that there had been some …

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Baidu to donate quantum computing lab, equipment to Beijing institute

Baidu to donate quantum computing lab, equipment to Beijing institute

BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s Baidu plans to donate a quantum computing laboratory and equipment to the government-backed Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS), a company spokesperson said on Wednesday. Both parties are currently working out the details, the spokesperson added. Baidu’s move followed that of its peer Alibaba, which in November had said it …

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