ESP32-Based Wireless Smartwatch | LiDAR and WiFi Scanning

ESP32-Based Wireless Smartwatch | LiDAR and WiFi Scanning

For the best quality read, check out this article on my homepage here. If there’s a pop-up, just simply click dismiss at the bottom. Also, don’t forget to subscribe for free to support my work! 🙂 A Quick Preview This is my “Gateway” smartwatch project! It acts as a compact wireless access key to control …

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Deploying Internet of Things (IoT) technology for battery storage

Deploying Internet of Things (IoT) technology for battery storage

Through this integration process, it becomes possible to optimise BESS operations and communications with real-time monitoring and control. In short, application-specific IoT solutions for BESS can help facilitate the energy industry’s transition towards a successful future driven by digitalisation, decentralisation, democratisation and decarbonisation, catering to both front-of-meter and behind-meter prosumers.  Green energy trends and opportunities  …

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UC Students Uncover Major Security Flaw in Internet-Connected Laundry Machines : Tech : Tech Times

UC Students Uncover Major Security Flaw in Internet-Connected Laundry Machines : Tech : Tech Times

Two University of California, Santa Cruz students uncovered a significant security vulnerability in internet-connected washing machines, potentially allowing millions of users to do laundry for free.  Use the warmest water setting when doing your laundry. (Photo: Steve Buissinne from Pixabay) Unveiling a Security Flaw in Laundry Machines Alexander Sherbrooke and Iakov Taranenko discovered the flaw …

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