A Psychologist Explains Why The ‘Anti-Grindset’ Movement Could Save Us All

A Psychologist Explains Why The ‘Anti-Grindset’ Movement Could Save Us All

When you clock out of work for the day, do you truly leave the work behind? getty The “anti-grindset” is a counter-movement to hustle culture that emphasizes the value of work-life balance and well-being over the incessant pursuit of productivity and achievement. This movement recognizes hustling without any rest, leisure or appropriate boundaries for what …

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A Psychologist Explains The Problem With ‘Girlbosses’ And ‘Snail Girl Eras’

A Psychologist Explains The Problem With ‘Girlbosses’ And ‘Snail Girl Eras’

Jaded by the “girlboss” movement, some influencers are advocating for slower paced jobs for younger … [+] women. Here are some scientific insights into why this resonates with women. getty The term “girlboss” celebrates women who dominate in their respective fields, symbolizing empowerment and breaking glass ceilings. However, given the lack of work-life balance being …

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