How an Automated Spokesmodel Drove the Internet Insane

How an Automated Spokesmodel Drove the Internet Insane

Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer In December of last year, Ariel, a 24-year-old content creator in New Jersey, received a message from a French digital-marketing company called Arcads. Ariel makes her living doing marketing videos for brands, who hire her through platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Arcads had a slightly different request. “They asked if I’d be willing …

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David Pogue Reviews Apple’s Vision Pro

David Pogue Reviews Apple’s Vision Pro

Apple has done pretty well for itself selling phones, tablets, computers, and smartwatches — but it didn’t invent any of those things. The company prefers to leave the first drafts of new technologies to other companies, watching them make design mistakes, fumble, and flop. Only after a few years does Apple storm onto the scene …

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Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Wondering What They Bought

Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Wondering What They Bought

Uncharted territory. Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty Images For some buyers, Apple Vision Pro’s most compelling use is one that Apple didn’t advertise. It’s a native feature of the device that allows its user to get enormous amounts of attention, in real life and subsequently online, by simply wearing it in public. For a few days, …

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