Time Still Turns the Pages movie review: Hong Kong family drama uses student suicides as cue for a heart-wrenching tale of guilt and redemption

Time Still Turns the Pages movie review: Hong Kong family drama uses student suicides as cue for a heart-wrenching tale of guilt and redemption

4/5 stars A Hong Kong schoolboy’s year-long contemplation of whether to end his own life, and the impact this episode has in the following decades, form the dual narrative of Time Still Turns the Pages, a deeply poignant tale of emotional torture, regret and redemption via open, honest communication. First-time writer-director Nick Cheuk Yik-him was …

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How Cantopop singer Ronald Cheng went from troublemaker to Charlene Choi’s secret husband to one of Hong Kong best loved comic actors

How Cantopop singer Ronald Cheng went from troublemaker to Charlene Choi’s secret husband to one of Hong Kong best loved comic actors

Cheng was born in 1972, the only child of Norman Cheng Tung-hon, a record label tycoon in Hong Kong and Taiwan. He was often in his father’s office and recording studios, and was well acquainted with several music producers in his father’s company. Cantopop superstar Sammi Cheng’s story – and her rocky romantic life After …

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