Against all odds, Somaliland has joined the 5G revolution

Against all odds, Somaliland has joined the 5G revolution

Somaliland, the breakaway region of Somalia, is making a bold leap into the future by embracing 5G technology. This rollout, amidst ongoing security concerns, poverty, hunger and a complex humanitarian situation, marks a significant step in the country’s reconstruction and development efforts. Will the rally in tech and weight loss drug stocks continue in 2024? …

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Companies are building customized AI bots to depend less on OpenAI

Companies are building customized AI bots to depend less on OpenAI

OpenAI dominates the generative AI market, and its GPT-4 is the industry’s best-performing model to date. But businesses are increasingly opting to build their own, smaller AI models that are more tailored to their business needs. Be cautious owning tech stocks in 2024 | Smart Investing Salesforce, for example, has piloted two coding AI assistants …

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AI pioneer says public discourse on intelligent machines must give ‘proper respect to human agency’

AI pioneer says public discourse on intelligent machines must give ‘proper respect to human agency’

She’s an important figure behind today’s artificial intelligence boom, but not all computer scientists thought Fei-Fei Li was on the right track when she came up with the idea for a giant visual database called ImageNet that took years to build. Li, now a founding director of Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, is …

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