US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

US-returned Chinese physicist Duan Luming and team build world’s most powerful ion-based quantum computing machine

Chinese scientists are one step closer to a future large-scale quantum computer – after building the world’s largest quantum simulation machine based on the “trapped-ion” technique, praised by one academic journal reviewer as “a milestone to be recognised”. The breakthrough was achieved under the leadership of Duan Luming, a quantum physicist renowned for his pioneering …

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China replaces imported quantum computer component with domestic product immediately after US sanctions

China replaces imported quantum computer component with domestic product immediately after US sanctions

Kong Weicheng, a researcher at Origin Quantum, told mainland media outlets that because quantum processors, or quantum chips, had to operate at ultra-low temperatures close to absolute zero (-269 degrees Celsius or -452 Fahrenheit), the module must first be able to insulate heat. On top of that, it also needed to provide a high-speed, stable …

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Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Quantum computing surpasses classical computing in both speed and memory usage. It opens a way to make predictions of physical phenomena which were previously impossible. Quantum computing is often seen as a paradigm shift from classical or conventional computing. Conventional computers use bits (0 or 1) to process information. On the other side, quantum computers …

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