Teen Emotions Deciphered by AI and Head-cam

Teen Emotions Deciphered by AI and Head-cam

Summary: Researchers developed a method using wearable headcams and AI to analyze teenagers’ facial expressions, revealing subtle emotional nuances. This technology has shown potential in identifying emotions such as worry and happiness, even when they are masked. The findings suggest that this approach could significantly enhance understanding and communication between teens and their parents, potentially …

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Synaptic Transistor Mirrors Human Brain Function

Synaptic Transistor Mirrors Human Brain Function

Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking synaptic transistor inspired by the human brain. This device can simultaneously process and store information, mimicking the brain’s capacity for higher-level thinking. Unlike previous brain-like computing devices, this transistor remains stable at room temperature, operates efficiently, consumes minimal energy, and retains stored information even when powered off, making it suitable …

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