Edge computing based real-time Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) catch estimation in demersal trawls using object detection models

Edge computing based real-time Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) catch estimation in demersal trawls using object detection models

The dataset The datasets used in model training and evaluation of the methodology are generated from the videos recorded on June 27, 2020, on commercial Nephrops grounds in Skagerrak using an underwater stereo camera system13,20. The YOLO models require images with bounding box annotations for training. Therefore, a dataset of 4044 images was generated from …

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Can Resilient ‘Super Corals’ Save Bleached And Boiled Coral Reefs?

Can Resilient ‘Super Corals’ Save Bleached And Boiled Coral Reefs?

Resilient “super corals” have recently emerged as potential saviors in the battle against climate change and its detrimental impact on coral reefs. These reefs are crucial habitats for countless marine creatures and support the livelihoods of billions of people worldwide. However, due to climate change, many coral reefs across the globe are facing rapid deterioration …

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Unlocking The Secrets Of Senegal’s Atlantic Humpback Dolphins

Unlocking The Secrets Of Senegal’s Atlantic Humpback Dolphins

Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) in Senegal Diana Seck Exploring the mysteries of the Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) along Africa’s west coast has become the mission of marine biologist Diana Seck from Senegal. With the goal of generating vital information about this critically endangered species, Seck, a research assistant at the African Aquatic Conservation …

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Discovering the Enigmatic ‘Whip-Tailed’ Thresher Sharks of Indonesia

Discovering the Enigmatic ‘Whip-Tailed’ Thresher Sharks of Indonesia

Measuring of a Thresher Shark by conservationists in Indonesia. Irwan Hermawan Researchers and conservationists off Alor Island in the expansive Indonesian archipelago are employing tagging technology to monitor the movement of endangered pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus), many of which are young individuals or pregnant females. The pelagic thresher shark, known for its elongated tail …

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