As a laptop reviewer, I can’t wait for new Windows on ARM

As a laptop reviewer, I can’t wait for new Windows on ARM

Qualcomm When I first heard that Apple was putting ARM into its MacBook lineup, I was more than a little skeptical. There’s no way, I thought, that smartphone chips could compete with Intel CPUs, despite Geekbench scores that argued otherwise. Since then, all my assumptions have been proven wrong. And there’s a reason: ARM can …

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Apple’s M3 Max keeps up with Intel’s top desktop CPU

Apple’s M3 Max keeps up with Intel’s top desktop CPU

Apple The first benchmarks of Apple’s M3 Max processor just leaked, and it looks like it’s going to be one speedy chip. Found in the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, the M3 Max pushes the capabilities of Apple silicon to new heights — so much so that it can keep up with Intel’s best desktop processor, …

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