The secret to a happy household? A reliable internet connection! Study reveals that nearly half of adults believe good WiFi is vital for keeping the peace in their homes

The secret to a happy household? A reliable internet connection! Study reveals that nearly half of adults believe good WiFi is vital for keeping the peace in their homes

Wifi has become the glue that keeps households happy and harmonious, research suggests. A poll found nearly half of respondents believed it was vital for keeping the peace. But one in three would choose a reliable internet connection over a night in with their partner. The survey by Talk Talk found it was a particular …

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The Possible Effectiveness of Netflix’s Efforts to Limit Password Sharing for the Company

The Possible Effectiveness of Netflix’s Efforts to Limit Password Sharing for the Company

Netflix’s recent crackdown on password sharing may have led some users to cancel their accounts, but the company’s efforts have proved to be beneficial. According to data from analytics firm Antenna, Netflix has experienced a significant increase in account sign-ups since introducing paid account sharing in the US and other regions in late May, with …

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