Your job application may be rejected by AI before it reaches a human for review; here’s why

Your job application may be rejected by AI before it reaches a human for review; here’s why

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, your application may face rejection before a human even lays eyes on it. Across various industries, companies are increasingly leveraging artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI, to streamline their recruitment processes. According to an ET report, these tools assist in candidate sourcing, resume screening, skills assessment, predictive analytics, and …

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The rise of AI in recruitment process: How companies are using artificial intelligence for hiring

The rise of AI in recruitment process: How companies are using artificial intelligence for hiring

New Delhi: Your job application may get rejected before it reaches a human for review. Companies across sectors are using artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI, for candidate sourcing, resume screening, skills assessment, predictive analytics and bias reduction in their recruitment process. Humans get involved only from the interview stage at some companies, while at …

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