We Underestimated: Earth-Like Planets are 100 Times More Abundant

We Underestimated: Earth-Like Planets are 100 Times More Abundant

Artist’s impression, frozen world with sub-surface ocean Lujendra Ojha Recent scientific research, published today, suggests that the presence of exoplanets with liquid water is more abundant than previously believed. This exciting finding significantly increases the likelihood of life existing in other parts of the galaxy, according to the authors. Dr. Lujendra Ojha, the lead researcher …

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Introducing Halla, the Resilient ‘Second-Gen’ Planet That Outsmarted Death

Introducing Halla, the Resilient ‘Second-Gen’ Planet That Outsmarted Death

A recently discovered planet called Halla defies conventional understanding by orbiting a red giant star instead of being engulfed by it. The planet, about the size of Jupiter, is located in the Ursa Minor constellation approximately 520 light-years away from our solar system. Image: W. M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko Astronomers have made a perplexing discovery …

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Could Photosynthesis Occur on Other Earthlike Planets?

Could Photosynthesis Occur on Other Earthlike Planets?

Blue Marble image of Earth as taken by Apollo 17 in 1972. NASA When viewed from space, Earth appears as a breathtaking paradise with its deep ocean blues and vibrant green vegetation covering every continent, even Antarctica. However, is it possible that our perception of an Earthlike planet automatically having oxygen-producing plant life is biased? …

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A ‘Large Earth Finder’ to be Installed in a Newly-Built $1 Billion Telescope

A ‘Large Earth Finder’ to be Installed in a Newly-Built  Billion Telescope

The Giant Magellan Telescope, currently under construction at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, is one of a handful of “extremely large” ground-based telescopes that promise to revolutionize astrophysics. Comprised of seven individual mirrors, each 27.6 feet in diameter, the telescope will have a joint collecting area of 80 feet and the best image quality …

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A Star System Where Planets Circle Around Twin Suns

A Star System Where Planets Circle Around Twin Suns

An international team of astronomers has made a groundbreaking discovery: a second-ever multiplanetary circumbinary system. … [+] circumbinary system. getty Scientists have recently detected a star system where planets orbit two stars instead of just one, reminiscent of the iconic “binary sunset” from the original Star Wars movie. TOI-1338, the 12th known circumbinary star system, …

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