Pope on AI: Welcome its benefits to humanity, but mitigate its risks

Pope on AI: Welcome its benefits to humanity, but mitigate its risks

Pope Francis reaffirms that artificial intelligence must only be used to benefit humanity, as he thanks participants in the international convention on ‘Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic Paradigm,’ organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Vatican Foundation. By Deborah Castellano Lubov Slightly more than a week after Pope Francis addressed the G7 Session in Bari, …

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SoftBank CEO predicts AI that is 10,000 times smarter than humans

SoftBank CEO predicts AI that is 10,000 times smarter than humans

Masayoshi Son, chairman and chief executive officer of SoftBank Group Corp., speaks during the company’s annual general meeting in Tokyo, Japan, on Friday, June 20, 2024. Son sketched out ambitions to help create AI thousands of times smarter than any human, making his most grandiose pronouncements since the Japanese conglomerate began taking steps to shore …

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Regulators block Meta from training AI on user data

Regulators block Meta from training AI on user data

Both the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) and UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) have pushed back against Meta’s decision to train large language models (LLMs) using public content users have shared on Facebook and Instagram. The DPC, acting on behalf of several European data protection authorities (DPAs), asked Meta to delay the training; while the …

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Apple’s App Store, Meta’s AI Assistant Face Challenges in Europe

Apple’s App Store, Meta’s AI Assistant Face Challenges in Europe

Two American tech giants are reportedly facing new regulatory challenges in Europe. One case involves Apple’s App Store, while the other centers on Meta’s artificial intelligence (AI) assistant, Meta AI. The Financial Times (FT) reported Friday (June 14) that the European Commision (EC) will bring charges against Apple after determining that the company is not complying with a requirement that it …

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UK lags behind Europe in tech skills despite government investment

UK lags behind Europe in tech skills despite government investment

Despite hefty investments in AI and other cutting-edge fields, the UK has been ranked a lowly 25th in technical skills proficiency across Europe, according to the report. This falls short of regional leaders like Germany (3rd), France (5th), and Spain (7th), raising concerns despite recent government efforts to boost digital skills. Even developing economies like …

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Adobe users revolt over updated terms of use

Adobe users revolt over updated terms of use

Adobe is facing a very public backlash after pushing out changes to its terms and conditions. Users are being forced to provide the company with unlimited access to their projects, including those that might be under the NDA, for “content review” and other purposes. The terms give Adobe the right to “access your content through …

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