China plans leading role in global AI race on standards and computing power push

China plans leading role in global AI race on standards and computing power push

In an accompanying statement, the cyberspace commission – Beijing’s top internet watchdog – identified the plan’s main challenges as ineffective application of existing standards in the bureaucracy, as well as a need to build China’s global standing. “There is a lack of coordination across departments, and issues such as missing, misplaced and conflicting standards have …

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Acceleration technologies that will boost HPC and AI efforts

Acceleration technologies that will boost HPC and AI efforts

Experts believe we are entering the 5th epoch of distributed computing where the heterogenous design of modern systems have been driven by numerous technology advances in accelerators,  next-generation lithography manufacturing, chiplets, and packaging technology. This is the 5th and final article in the series discusses the impact that current and future acceleration technology will have …

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A Futurist’s Guide To Curing AI Anxiety

A Futurist’s Guide To Curing AI Anxiety

Does anyone else feel like we’re playing a high-stakes game of catch-up when it comes to staying on top of AI in the workplace? A study from the American Psychological Association found that close to two out of five workers reported worrying about AI taking some or all of their job duties. Our job isn’t …

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AI Explained: Computer Vision

AI Explained: Computer Vision

Picture this: a world where cars drive themselves, shopping is as simple as grabbing and going, and medical diagnoses are made with superhuman precision. This is the world that computer vision is building, one algorithm at a time. The technology, which enables machines to interpret and understand visual data, is rapidly advancing and making its …

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