Neural networks: What it takes to build brain-like computers

Neural networks: What it takes to build brain-like computers

The human brain’s processing power is exceptional. It can perform a billion mathematical operations in one second using just 20 Watts of power.  Researchers are now trying to capture this efficiency by building computers inspired by the human brain’s operation and function. This field, known as neuromorphic computing, uses artificial synapses and neurons to process information. Although this is still …

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USC spearheads new initiative ‘Frontiers of Computing’ – Annenberg Media

USC spearheads new initiative ‘Frontiers of Computing’ – Annenberg Media

For the first time in more than a decade, USC President Carol Folt announced the launch of a new school within the USC Viterbi School of Engineering —  The USC School of Advanced Computing. According to Folt, the initiative will focus on building “groundbreaking programs” in areas of computer literacy and aims to provide interdisciplinary …

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