23andMe hackers accessed ancestry information on millions of customers using a feature that matches relatives

23andMe hackers accessed ancestry information on millions of customers using a feature that matches relatives

An SEC filing has revealed more details on a data breach affecting 23andMe users that was disclosed earlier this fall. The company says its investigation found hackers were able to access the accounts of roughly 0.1 percent of its userbase, or about 14,000 of its 14 million total customers, TechCrunch notes. On top of that, …

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23andMe user data breached in credential-stuffing attack

23andMe user data breached in credential-stuffing attack

Biotech company , known for its DNA testing kits, confirmed to that its user data is circulating on hacker forums. The company said the leak occurred through a credential-stuffing attack. A credential-stuffing attack involves user information that has already been compromised (usernames and passwords, for example) from one organization, which a hacker obtains and attempts …

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