An A.I. Explosion & D.E.I. Blowback

An A.I. Explosion & D.E.I. Blowback

Last year was, in a word, wild. We experienced the hottest climate ever, with smoke from Canadian wildfires pouring across the U.S. border. It was a hot labor summer, too, as workers went on strike from Hollywood to Detroit. We witnessed the brutal Hamas attack, the overwhelming Israeli response, and the ripple effects from Washington …

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Top 10 global trends in 2024

Top 10 global trends in 2024

We are at that moment in the year when we look for prognostications about what lies ahead. Futurist, Bernard Marr, shares his top 10 global trends for 2024. Some are arguably to be expected, some flow from the momentum created in years before 2024, and and others are problems that have persisted decades ago. 1. …

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2024 will see convergence of GenAI, quantum computing

2024 will see convergence of GenAI, quantum computing

The integration of quantum computing with generative AI will be the breakthrough to resolve the complexities of training large AI models. Next year is predicted to see the first phase of the next evolution of generative artificial intelligence (AI), when companies conceptualise ways to converge it with the power of quantum computing, to reach new …

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