Home Internet ‘Hangry’ Dachshund Demanding Early Dinner Has Internet in Stitches

‘Hangry’ Dachshund Demanding Early Dinner Has Internet in Stitches

A senior dachshund called Lady has left the internet in stitches after a clip of her loudly demanding an early dinner went viral on social media.

In the viral post, shared on TikTok in April, under the username jaymiwilliamson, the 11-year-old rescue can be seen jumping on the bed, howling as her owner tells her off. But she doesn’t give in after being told no, and keeps barking defiantly.

A caption shared with the post explains: “When your dachshund is hangry and wants an early dinner.”

In the comments section the owner added that because of her demands, they’ve had to move dinner to 4 p.m., although she keeps doing this every day even after eating. Moreover, she also gets an extra bed time snack.

Stock image of a dachshund looking at its owner. A “hangry” dachshund has left the internet in stitches after a video of her demanding an early dinner went viral.

Getty Images

Dachshunds are known for being particularly stubborn, and experts at PetKeen have come up with a few theories as to why.

Sausage dogs were bred to hunt and chase badgers without the help of humans, which meant the only thing they needed to follow to do their job right was their nose, not human commands.

These little pups are also known to have an incredibly loud bark for their size. While some of them bark all the time, others hardly make a sound, and experts believe socialization plays a big role in this aspect.

“Be sure to introduce your dog to many different things at a young age. Then, they won’t need to bark at everything,” the website says.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 1.4 million views and 159,200 likes on the platform.

One user, Davy Dave, commented: “Husband fed the boys breakfast this morning and didn’t tell me so I fed the boys breakfast then I found out about 1st breakfast while they were eating 2nd breakfast.”

Looneytoon2018 said: “My husband and I have had this done at dinner time once. I fed her, went upstairs. husband came home, fed her. I came down, said I’d fed her, husband looked at me, dogs looking at both of us.”

Curlchang added: “I also don’t have an alarm clock because our ween wakes us up at 6 a.m. for breakfast.”

Newsweek reached out to jaymiwilliamson for comment via TikTok comments. We could not verify the details of the case.

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