Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption Sets Unprecedented Record for Highest Lightning Rates Ever Observed on Earth

Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption Sets Unprecedented Record for Highest Lightning Rates Ever Observed on Earth

Satellite imagery taken by Himawari-8, a Japanese weather satellite, and released by the agency, captures the incredible volcanic plume generated by the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on January 15, 2022… [+]. This image showcases the power and magnitude of the eruption. Associated Press A recent study has unearthed a fascinating discovery: the …

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Octopuses Demonstrate Similarities to Humans in Visual Landscape Mapping

Octopuses Demonstrate Similarities to Humans in Visual Landscape Mapping

Credit: Current Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.05.069 An octopus dedicates approximately 70% of its brain to vision. However, until recently, scientists had only a limited understanding of how these marine creatures perceive their underwater environment. A groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Oregon has shed new light on the octopus’s visual perception. In a first-ever …

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Study investigates the effects of climate change on seagrass meadows

Study investigates the effects of climate change on seagrass meadows

Hidden beneath the tranquil depths of coastal waters lie seagrasses. These underwater meadows play a vital role in the marine ecosystem, benefitting both humans and the planet. They produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and provide food and shelter for marine life. However, a recent study conducted by Stanford University suggests that seagrasses may be under …

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End of an Era: Hawaii’s Volcano Ceases Eruption, Bringing an End to the Spectacular Lava Showcase

End of an Era: Hawaii’s Volcano Ceases Eruption, Bringing an End to the Spectacular Lava Showcase

This webcam image provided by the U.S. Geological Survey shows the summit of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. An eruption of the Hawaii volcano that began nearly two weeks earlier has come to a pause, according to scientists. Kilauea, known as one of the world’s most active volcanoes, commenced erupting on …

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Thriving Agriculture in Spain Powered by Wastewater

Thriving Agriculture in Spain Powered by Wastewater

Farmers in southeastern Spain have long relied on recycled wastewater to irrigate crops. In the face of increasingly scarce rainfall, irrigating crops presents a significant challenge. However, farmers in southeastern Spain have found a solution by utilizing recycled wastewater, a model that is gaining attention globally. “Here the water is still dirty… but by the …

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What is the impact of household water insecurity on children’s health and well-being?

What is the impact of household water insecurity on children’s health and well-being?

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Water insecurity has long been associated with diarrheal disease, the main cause of infant and child mortality. However, according to a review published in WIREs Water, there are numerous other ways in which water insecurity can negatively impact the health and well-being of children. Inadequate or unsafe household water can have …

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Study reveals the impact of wildfire smoke on health, wealth, and mortality downwind

Study reveals the impact of wildfire smoke on health, wealth, and mortality downwind

Graphical abstract. Credit: Science of The Total Environment (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162614 A new study conducted by Cornell University, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), and the University of Houston reveals that smoke particulates from wildfires have significant impacts on human health and the economy. The research suggests that these wildfires could lead to …

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Newly Found Embryonic Cell Type Identified: Self-Destructs to Safeguard Developing Embryo

Newly Found Embryonic Cell Type Identified: Self-Destructs to Safeguard Developing Embryo

High-resolution dissection of human preimplantation development identifies a NCC population. Credit: PLOS Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002162 Researchers have recently made an exciting discovery regarding early human embryo development. By analyzing gene activity data, scientists identified a previously unknown type of cell that self-destructs shortly after formation. This self-destruction serves as a quality control mechanism to …

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