Home Our Pick 4 Ways to Prevent Hacking Attacks

4 Ways to Prevent Hacking Attacks

The age of information has been a great time for people all over the world. Access to information immediately has boosted work efficiency by huge numbers, the internet of things has provided millions with jobs and entertainment, friends and family can connect in a moment from miles away. However, there is always the worry of your online security, as hackers are all too prevalent in today’s world. Read on to learn more about the ways you can prevent hacking attacks.

Browse Safely and Securely

One of the most important things you should be doing in order to protect yourself from any kind of attack is make sure you are browsing safely and securely, especially when on a public network or when accessing something remotely. On an unprotected network, it is easy for hackers to find your IP address and more, as an unsecured network won’t encrypt your data and so can leave things like passwords in plain sight. If you’re accessing a remote server such as an office server, not being secure could mean exposing company data to a man-in-the-middle attack, where data is intercepted and stolen. Using a business VPN like Perimeter 81 will create a private, safe and encrypted connection to your company’s cloud from anywhere in the world, securing the access its files.

Check For Data Breaches

Large amounts of data have been stolen in data breaches over the past few decades, with some of the biggest companies leaking worrying amounts of private and personal information. Unfortunately, no one will warn you if any of your personal data has been compromised, so it’s best to keep an eye out, not only when you hear about large data breaches on the news but also just checking regularly. If you do find your passwords have been leaked, be sure to change all of them quickly, using strong and varied passwords across all of your accounts to ensure maximum security.

Beware Of Phishers

Though an odd word, most people who have an email account will have encountered phishing attacks before. An email sent from an unknown email address claiming to be your bank, Amazon or an investment opportunity that needs you to click through to a website to enter your personal information. If you come across these emails you should always bin them and never open the links that are sent with them – this is  a phishing attack, an attempt to get you to input important log in information such as bank details to a fake website so that they may misuse your information. Spotting a phishing email can be easy, thankfully. On most occasions, they won’t be able to address you with your full name the way a bank could, the email will not match up with who they claim to be, and there will be no personal data or description of the problem, just a call to action to click through urgently. However, with the help of AI, phishing attacks could become more dangerous than ever.

Have Your Firewall Active

A firewall is an excellent piece of software that stops anything from crossing over from your network to your device that is not allowed. This is what stops people from embedding malicious viruses into websites or just straight to your IP, even if they have it. A firewall is great at catching anything you could miss, so be sure to always leave yours on and turn it back on if it’s been turned off for any reason.

There are four ways of preventing any hacking attacks coming your way. Be sure to always inform yourself of the new ways hackers are attempting to attack data and always be vigilant and you should never face the problem of hackers accessing your personal data.

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